Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tests, tests and what do you know more tests...

On Monday I started my new job at the bank, well I knew I would be training for the next three weeks but I assumed it would be working with other tellers and them training me on how to process the money and/or dealing with different forms of transactions and also filling the normal paper work.

But I was wrong, for the past two days I have done nothing but watch videos made in the 80's which I may add are poorly made, they also have me taking tons of tests which happen to be redundant because according to my trainer they want the information to be drilled into my brain.  I also might add that I am in a isolated room by myself taking these tests so after awhile you get a little bored start singing to yourself you know the usual.  And your eyes also begin to hurt because you have been focused on a computer screen for the past three hours.

Now I do have some good news I got to go out on a "buddy lunch" yesterday with one of the other co-workers and its where they take the new employee out for lunch and the other employee talks about the bank and answers any questions that the new employee would like to know.  Well the lady I got was very entertaining which I was thankful for because I didn't have to have an awkward lunch and I also got my lunch payed for which made my day!

I hope my training today will be more exciting but I have a feeling it might not because I haven't finished all of my tests.  But cross your fingers for me that hopefully next week I will start hands on training and not be sitting alone in an isolated room taking more tests.


  1. blahh thats how it was when i was a server at Chili's (I know..really awesome) but I had to take a test every night of my training!!!!

  2. Training always sucks. We still have these elearning every once in awhile we have to take and it is over stuff I already know but yet fail and half to take until I pass. Those tests never go away!

  3. You'll do great at the bank! Before you know it, you won't have to think about the information you're learning anymore, as it will be ingrained in your memory...

  4. GROSS!! Good luck with that today!

  5. Aww! I hope things get better for you! That's a bummer! :(

  6. Hey, at least you are in the a/c. I'll be outside from 3pm to 11. Ugh. I'll trade ya.

  7. Training sucks! Look at the bright side, at least you have a job. Lot's 'o people are unemployed.

  8. ahha ya dont you hate that wherever you work they always have these videos from people from the 60's?? the sexual hrassment ones are always my fav they r hallarious, im like who does those things??? ahaha hang in there babysteps through the test and celebrate after each one girly!
